
Ready to get started with solar energy that fits your needs? 了解你想要考虑的相关细节,以便带着知识和信心开始你的旅程.


Shopping for solar can feel confusing and overwhelming. Here are five steps to go solar with confidence:

Step 1: Decide if solar works for you

屋顶太阳能电池板系统有很多好处,但并不是每个房子都适合太阳能. 的 following describes the ideal candidate for solar:

  • 你拥有你的财产
  • You roof or property has enough space and sunlight
  • You’re eligible for tax incentives
  • Your installation will give you a favorable return on investment

使用这个 太阳能电池板计算器 to quickly estimate your solar potential.

Step 2: Receive and compare quotes from local installers

Once you’re confident that going solar is worth considering, 现在是时候联系当地的安装人员,找到一个适合你的需求和预算的太阳能电池板系统安装. 的 EnergySage市场 是一个免费的在线服务,可以帮助您收集和比较太阳能报价直接从审查安装在您的地区与供应商中立的专家顾问的支持.


在比较价格之后, the quality of solar equipment, 融资选择, and the reputation of your potential installers, 您应该选择您最有信心的安装人员,以执行高效且具有成本效益的安装和持久的设备.

Step 4: Pay for your solar installation

太阳能电池板系统通常可以为佛罗里达中西部地区的房主节省约35美元,000-$45,超过25年, but the upfront costs are still considerable. 大多数人通过贷款、租赁或预付现金来支付太阳能装置的费用. 了解更多关于 如何支付太阳能费用.


After your installer inspects and approves your space for solar, 安装人员必须提交太阳能互连申请(和电池互连申请-如果适用), 给十大网赌靠谱网址平台. Upon receiving receipt of the application, 坦帕电 will perform an inspection of the system, including the disconnect switch. P租赁 be aware that this can take up to 30 calendar days. 一旦检查完成,你就可以用你的新太阳能系统发电了.

了解更多关于 如何使用太阳能.

的 total price you pay f或者一个 solar panel system depends on the system size, 太阳能电池板品牌, and the features of your roof or land. On average, solar panels in West Central Florida cost $2.62 / W resulting in an average price of $35,277 f或者一个 typical 13.8千瓦太阳能电池板系统.

联邦、州和地方的激励措施可以将这些成本削减数千美元. 例如, 联邦太阳能税收抵免 alone can lower the cost of solar by 30 percent. 佛罗里达中西部地区的太阳能业主如果预先支付他们的系统费用,通常会在8年左右收回他们的太阳能投资.5年. 对于那些为他们的系统融资的人来说,储蓄的时间将取决于你的贷款条款. Between our state’s climate and available incentives, solar panels typically save West Central Florida area residents about $35,000-$45,超过25年.

有三种主要的方式来支付太阳能装置:预付现金或通过一个 太阳能贷款 或者一个 租赁. 随着时间的推移,用现金支付可以节省最多的费用,但需要大量的前期投资. 太阳能贷款允许您按月分期付款,同时保持系统的所有权. 租赁太阳能电池板是一种经济实惠的方式,但可能会使你失去经济激励的资格,并限制你的潜在储蓄. 

了解更多关于 the cost of solar in Florida.

为了充分利用你的系统,你需要选择合适的设备. 面板类型, 功率输出, 效率, 温度系数, 寿命, 和保修都有助于太阳能电池板的能力,以满足您独特的能源需求.

功率输出 & 效率

太阳能电池板 功率输出 refers to the amount of electricity it generates, and its 效率 测量它将太阳光转化为电能的能力,并以百分数表示. 例如, 大多数太阳能电池板将17%到20%的阳光转化为电能. However, high-效率 solar panels can exceed 22 percent 效率. 如果你的空间有限 for your solar panel system, 选择一个更高效的太阳能电池板可能是值得投资的,因为需要更少的电池板来满足您的需求.


太阳能电池板 wattage and output are measured under ideal conditions, meaning you should expect less when the weather takes a turn. 你的板 温度系数 指示在不理想的条件下,太阳能电池板的性能可能会发生多大变化. 例如, a 温度系数 of 0.5表示每10C 25以上0C, the solar panels decrease in 效率 by 0.5%. 这意味着低温系数(通常在0.3) tend to perform better in 炎热的气候. Due to Florida’s consistently high temperatures, 选择温度系数低的太阳能板有利于最大化系统的发电量.

寿命 & 保修

家用太阳能电池板系统是一项重大投资,应该持续几十年, so it’s important to choose a solar panel brand with reliable product and performance 保证 to confidently protect your purchase. 产品保修通常包括制造缺陷,如过早磨损, 然而,性能保证保证您的面板在其使用寿命中将保持一定的输出量. To get the most out of your solar investment, we recommend reviewing EnergySage’s article on solar panel 保证.

了解更多关于 如何选择太阳能电池板.

How Many Solar Panels On Roof

平均而言,佛罗里达人需要27到34块太阳能电池板来满足他们的大部分用电需求. In addition to your budget and goals, 你需要的太阳能电池板的数量取决于你每年的用电量, the wattage of your solar panels, and the estimated production ratio of your solar panel system.


平均到2022年, 坦帕电 customers with single-family homes used 16,752 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity annually. When you’re determining how many solar panels to install, consider both your current and future energy needs. Especially during Florida’s long, 炎热的夏季, 比如游泳池, 交流系统, 其他电器可以显著增加你的太阳能电池板系统的能源消耗.


Most residential solar panels have ratings of 250 to 400 watts. 的 most efficient solar panels on the market are 370- to 400-watt models. 的 higher the wattage rating, the higher the output. 如果你的空间有限, 你可能想要考虑更高瓦数的面板,这样你就可以用更少的面板产生所需的能量.

了解更多关于 how many solar panels you’ll need.

How long do solar panels last?

太阳能电池板的寿命是通过它的实用性而不是它的开启能力来衡量的. Solar panels typically have a useful life of about 25-30 years. 太阳能电池板的输出功率在其使用寿命初期是最高的,随着时间的推移会慢慢降低. 最终, energy production falls by what manufacturers consider a significant amount, and the solar panel’s lifetime is deemed complete. 

的 rate at which a solar panel’s output declines is called the 太阳能电池板降解率. 例如, a solar panel with a 0.5% degradation rate will still operate at 87.5% of its original output after 25年. Thanks to improvements in solar panel technology, 太阳能退化率低于1%是现在的行业标准,大多数太阳能制造商每年通过性能保证一定数量的产量 保证

Performance and product 保证


产品保修 are offered by manufacturers and protect against manufacturing defects. 重要的是, damage or defects caused by factors outside of the manufacturer’s control, 比如自然灾害, aren’t usually covered under product 保证. 

性能保证也被称为电力保证,可以帮助你了解你的太阳能电池板可以使用多长时间. 性能保证通常持续25年,并保证您的面板每年将产生一定比例的原始输出. 

了解更多关于 太阳能电池板寿命.

访问 激励 to get the latest on financial perks.



EnergySage计算器可以根据地址估计你的太阳能潜力和节省. 估算是基于你的屋顶,电费账单和你所在地区的实际报价.



When you shop through the EnergySage市场, you’ll receive custom quotes from vetted, reputable installers so you can make an informed decision. 电子邮件要求.



If rooftop solar isn’t a viable option for you, 想想十大网赌靠谱网址平台的“太阳选择”社区太阳能项目吧,你可以用当地生产的太阳能为家里供电.


EnergySage是一个第三方在线资源,帮助消费者了解可再生能源解决方案. 它提供来自energysage合格的太阳能安装商和融资公司的屋顶太阳能和/或电池安装的在线报价.
